Endovenous laser therapy uses laser (heat) energy to treat large refluxing veins. This is a short, one-time, minimally invasive treatment. Your entire EVLT appointment will last about 2 hours, but the procedure itself takes only 45 minutes and is done in our office. You will be awake for the procedure as no sedation or general anesthesia is needed. EVLT involves only tiny needle punctures, no incisions.
The area to be treated is anesthetized and a thin laser fiber is placed into the affected vein. Laser energy is delivered via the laser fiber damaging the vein wall “spot welding” and eventually closing the vein. Over time, your body will reabsorb the damaged vein. After the laser energy has been delivered, the fiber is removed and a compression bandage is put on your leg and worn for 24 hours.
You may experience mild to moderate bruising and aching for the first several days following the treatment. This is typically easily controlled with ice applications and over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen. You will be required to wear prescription strength compression stockings for several weeks following the procedure. We ask that you not work the day of the procedure. Walking immediately following the procedure is encouraged and prolonged sitting or standing should be limited. Most normal activities can be immediately resumed.
Have more questions about EVLT? Click here to view our frequently asked questions regarding this procedure.